Our Story

Everyone deserves a life filled with joy and happiness.

When was the last time you enjoyed a wholesome, homecooked meal that was not only divinely delicious but also heavenly healing?

Isn’t it time you let yourself be healed?

When it comes to food, many of us do not think twice about what we put into out body. Todays hectic lifestyle choices makes us compromise on many things that we know are good for us. Such are our choices.

The one thing you should do your best not to compromise is consuming foods that not only taste good but are also good for your body, mind and spirit.

The Healing Potters is for those of us who are already in the the know. We know what is good for us and we already on the path to taking good self care of ourselves. What we offer is to take that to the next level.

While you already are eating healthy and delicious food, why not make the food in vessels that can promote healing benefits?

Our cooking vessels have been infused with the universal healing energy of Reiki to ensure that whatever you cook in them will heal your body, mind and spirit.

Watch our videos to understand more how you can benefit from what we offer.

Reach out to us if you have any custom requests.
Email: thehealingpotters@gmail.com