We Are All Interconnected

The spiritual concept that we are all one and interconnected is known by various names in different belief systems and philosophies.

Here are a few:

1. Oneness: This concept suggests that all beings in existence are interconnected, part of a unified whole. It implies that our individual identities are illusions, and at a deeper level, we are all connected as expressions of the same universal consciousness or energy.

2. Interconnectedness: This concept emphasizes the interdependence and interrelation of all things in the universe. It suggests that every action, thought, or event has ripple effects and can impact the entire web of existence.

3. Unity consciousness: This term refers to the spiritual viewpoint that we are all expressions of a singular divine source. It suggests that there is an underlying unity that transcends the apparent differences and separations we experience in the physical world.

4. Non-duality: Non-duality emphasizes the idea that there is no intrinsic separation or distinction between individuals, objects, or concepts. It suggests that the perceived dualities like good and bad, right and wrong, exist only at the level of the mind, and at a deeper level, everything is fundamentally interconnected and part of a greater whole.

These concepts often provide a framework for understanding the inherent interconnectedness of all beings and the notion that beyond superficial differences, we all share a common essence.

They promote a sense of unity, compassion, and empathy by discouraging judgment, division, and the illusion of separateness.

So this is what I wonder – if everything is one and there is no separateness. Then everything that happens is part of the one collective, i.e. the source. So all the wonderfully good things that happen and all the horrifically bad things that happen are still part of the one. There is no ‘those bad guys’ on the outside. They are all still a part of us…. So why do we judge and punish people? Why do we think we are better than ‘them’ or that they are not as good as ‘us’?

Hmm…. I will need some time to absorb this….


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