Why Are You Unhappy In Your Job?

What we do is not who we are. You did not come here to get a job and pay the bills. Yet many of us tend to associate our identities with our jobs. When we meet someone new, our jobs inadvertently become part of our introduction together with our names. “Hi, I'm Shamla. I'm a healer.”

But we are not our jobs. Our job is something that we do, it is not who are. It is, at best, a small part of who we are.

So who then are we?

Who are you?

Who am I?

If you have not answered that question, trust me my dear one, you'll never be happy in any job that you do…. Your work nd your life will always be meaningless grind.

So how do you start to understand who you are?

First, you need to prioritise your self discovery above anything else. Only then would you be willing to take the time needed to explore the amazingly wonderful being that you are. So would you be willing to put yourself first for your self discovery? I did.

I knew that without, understanding, healing and loving myself, I cannot understand, heal or love others.

So who am I?

I am a spiritual being having a human experience.

I am one, I am all.

I am in God and God is in me.

[Here’s the secret- so are you. Go discover yourself]


Food is Medicine