Reiki infused Earthen Clay Vessels
For Your Home and Health

Isn’t it about time you let yourself be healed?
— Shamla Ramasamy (The Healer)

Pottery that Heals

Each piece of earthen clay vessel at The Healing Potters has been infused with the universal healing energy of Reiki and is bathed in revitalized water charged with crystals.

This ensures that whatever you cook in it, consume from it or place in it, will also be imbued with a universal healing energy that will fill your life with abundance, self-love and peace.

Visit our SHOP to see what’s on offer.

Customized Requests

If you would like to infuse and charge the earthen clay vessels with healing energy for a particular ailment, get in touch with us. Custom pieces can only be completed in approximately five to seven days, to ensure that it is "fully charged" before it is sent to you. 

Telegram: @Shamla.R

About Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing technique where a Reiki practitioner (who has undergone formal training in this healing art) uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of the universal life force energy through people, animals, plants and things. It is even effective to spaces, situations, environments etc.

If you would like to schedule a personal Reiki healing session, please email:

About Revitalised and Crystal
Charged Water

Water is life.

Research has shown that our thoughts, feelings, words, ideas and music we listen to, affect the molecular structure of water. Did you know that water that has been repeatedly exposed to positive or negative words, changes its color, shape, and symmetry.

You are 70% water, and almost two thirds of the world is made up of water. Therefore, everything happening around you, your thoughts, your attitudes, your behaviors, and your intentions can affect you far more than you realise.

Water that we get through our taps has been through so much that it is almost dead by the time you drink it or cook with it.

What we do at The Healing Potters, is to revitalise and heal the water. We charge the water with crystals and heal it with sound vibrations of gratitude and love.

And this is what you get.

Knowing and respecting water means knowing and respecting ourselves and the laws of life that bring us love, health, beauty and abundance.

With this healed and energetically charged water we bathe the Reiki infused earthen clay pots to further strengthen and lock in its healing properties.

Image of water crystal from regular tap water

Image of water crystal after it has been healed and charged with gratitude and love

About The Healer

Shamla Ramasamy
Founder, The Healing Potters
Reiki Practitioner
Meditation Practice Guide

Shamla is a Usui Method Natural Healing Reiki Practitioner.

She has been on her journey of self-healing and spirituality for that last 35 years. She became involved in Reiki and other complimentary therapies after suffering from depression and anxiety that followed with the passing of her mother.

During this challenging period she became familiar with Reiki and felt deeply connected to this energy work. She was blown away by the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits she received.

She proceeded to learn this gentle yet powerful healing modality and today, through her personal one-to-one Reiki sessions, her YouTube Channel and The Healing Potters, she continues to spread the healing energy of Reiki to people across the globe.

"Reiki healed me in such a beautiful way.
I fell in love with life again, and life loved me right back!”

Isn’t it time you let yourself be healed.

Shamla is a sought after guided meditation practitioner and is regularly invited to lead meditation practices and conduct Reiki healing for people, animals and plants.

For a private Reiki healing session:
Telegram: @Shamla_R

For Guided Meditation commentaries and intuitive messages go to my YouTube Channel:

The Journal

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing technique where a Reiki master (who has undergone formal training in this art of healing art) uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of the universal life force energy through objects, people, animals, plants etc. It has even been effectively used to heal spaces, situations and environments etc.

Benefits of Cooking with Earthen Clay Pots Infused with Reiki

Cooking with earthen clay imbues your food with important nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and sulfur, that are extremely beneficial to our body.

How to Season your Earthen Clay Pots?

CLAY pots are fragile and quite unlike the harsh utensils that you use today. It is from the earth and hence demands that you give it the due respect and care it deserves. Seasoning your clay pots is a very important process to ensure that it lasts you a long time.

Watch our video on how to season clay pots in the Media center.

Making the Most of Your Reiki Infused Earthen Clay pots

So you have seasoned your pots and are all set to use it! So now what….